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Adding a new package

Replace foo with your new package name in the instructions below.

  1. cd packages
  2. mkdir foo && cd foo
  3. pnpm init
  4. code package.json and update the description field. If your package is not a library (ie it's an entrypoint), add a "private": true, line to your package.json.
  5. pnpm install
  6. pnpm -w fix:meta

If your package is not a library, you get a bit less scaffolding for free, so you may want to steal some of the scripts, as well as possibly the main, types, and exports fields, from one of our library's package.jsons. The @cursorless/common package is a decent one to steal from.

For any packages that you need to depend on, you can run

pnpm add some-package

from the packages/foo directory. Note that some-package could be a local package, eg @cursorless/common. In that case, you need to re-run pnpm -w fix:meta after adding the dependency, so that the Typescript references can be updated.